EBK (Ceramic Working Cluster of Eskişehir Bilecik Kütahya)
EBK is founded with the aims of being prominent in the whole world and customer focused working group, and developing group base, making the conditions more powerful by providing cooperation in terms of culture, profession, technical, commercial, economy, legacy and administration, solidarity and information exchange among its members and with the aim of making the activities of founding groups easier.
It serves to benefits such as encouraging ArGe activities, innovation and entrepreneurship, to set working webs among actors, to make activities of setting groups easier, to assembly the real and legal people who are busy with manufacturing industry and sale, to save their common benefits, to supply them with needed machines-tools and row material.
It makes finding market easier for all members and as a consequence, make them be stronger as a whole.
For detailed information: http://www.ebkseramikkumesi.org/